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Website not getting enough traffic? Social media not getting enough response? Are you even using social media?

Businesses truly cannot operate and hope to succeed without taking full advantage of social media. Today it is an intricate part of any advertising or marketing campaign. Whether it is the car wash down the street or the local big corporation, social media’s need for pulling traffic to your business’ website cannot be oversold.

What are some things you can do you improve your visibility for your social media, your website, and in turn YOUR BUSINESS?

First off, and the most overlooked, is completing your Google Business Profile. Google is by far the largest search engine in the world. Easily most websites are found through Google than any other. With that said, a Google Business Profile puts you on the fast track to being found when potential customers or clients do a search for their needed product or service. This literally ‘puts you on the map’ for anyone searching for businesses like yours, and it’s FREE.

Next, incorporating useful keywords into your website is valuable in helping browsers looking for YOU. Adding these keywords can be done in a number of ways. The easiest is adding title tags to any image or links on your website. Depending on the build of your website, this could be a super simple edit or something that might require someone more knowledgeable.

But what words do you use?

The words you should use are specific to your business and industry. This requires a little research, but success in this area can make a huge difference in your website being found…or not. My suggestion is to first make a list of words that describe your business, like what services you provide or types of products you sell. After that there are tools that can help gauge the value of each of those words in their ability of being searched, Google Keyword Planner is one of these tools.

Another solution with the use of keywords, and is truly the most successful is writing blog entries or posts about your business. Google and other search engines absolutely LOVE fresh content, and nothing keeps you on their radar better than new, relevant content. For example, this article you are reading right now will be found by search engines by scanning or “crawling” through the text looking for keywords. One big tip, ‘write for people first, search engines second.’ Search engines may help you connect with customers, but it is people reading your article where it really matters.

Posting that entry or article to your website really draws people into your business. Adding that post to a social media platform, like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or X, will pull visitors even faster to your website. Some social media platforms are better than others depending on your business and the market you are targeting.

If you are searching for some help in the areas of search engine optimization (SEO), blog writing, or a social media campaign, we can help. Need some stunning visual online ads to really draw the eyeballs? We can help with that too! In fact, it’s what we’re known over the past 20 years.