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What is stock photography?

Stock photos can consist of staged models in universal poses, generic backgrounds like desktop wallpapers, or everyday objects designed to convey a message. They are generic in nature to allow for a wide range of uses, and are more affordable than custom photography. If you are up against a deadline, stock photos are a great solution for getting imagery fast. Stock photos are usually available by a subscription through websites like iStock.

The downside of stock photos is they lack a sense of authenticity, like a photo of person just smiling at generally, nothing. Many stock photos also lack originally, so much so that many consumers can easily identify a stock photo verses a custom photo.

They are not connected to a particular brand at all. For example, that smiling person could be smiling at a beauty care product or just having her drains unclogged…or both. If you are using imagery to promote a product or service, then finding that perfect photo that authentically represents your business and brand can be unattainable.

What is custom photography?

Custom photos are usually acquired by hiring a photographer to do a custom photo shoot. This could be photos of your product in a studio setup or employees providing a service, it could even be a quality photo of your place of business. The flexibility and creativity have the sky as the limit. Custom photos can also be used to better connect with your brand much more than stock photos.

Custom photography is not a fast solution. It usually takes planning and a budget. Good custom photos can make a huge impact on your brand’s image, far beyond just having anyone snapping a few pics on their phone. Professional custom photography involves photo editing skills designed with one goal in mind, making your brand look the very best it can be.
It is also worth noting that custom photography retains a longer shelf life for your online and advertising presence. That in turn makes the great bang for your buck. Also, in the promotion of events, custom photos are a must. There is no searching stock photos for that promotional event your business participated in last week-end.

Stock and custom photos can be a strong asset to your marketing and advertising campaigns. Much of deciding between the two can be determined by your brand’s goals, and budget, and timeline. If you have questions or just want to explore your options with adding quality photography to marketing, contact us. We are here to help.